Educators fear the new wave of educational technology

Teachers and other stakeholders felt that their jobs are being under attack or threatened by this new wave of educational technology, surely they thought of this educational technology is going to replace them slowly they strongly believed that there’s much more need for human interaction in order for some learners to understand certain things in classrooms, Several educators have voiced their concern about losing control over what students are doing on their screens. They also believe that if technology were included in their classes, students wouldn’t be as engaged with the material. One high school teacher added that she wouldn’t utilize technology in the classroom because she didn’t feel comfortable using the tools and gadgets. “They are more adept at using these tools than I am, so I worry that I wouldn’t be able to keep them under control and on task”.

All I can is this kind of educational technology we are currently demanding and advising to be utilized in classrooms that would inhibit learners to develop computer skills at a very young age which that certain skill is on demand in the world we live in today, and teachers should stop being egotistical about this new wave of educational technology it is not here to replace or being a threat to educators jobs, it won’t take jobs away but making things easier for teachers in the classrooms also making lessons more creative and modernized 

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